Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Mobster Police

I am appalled at what this administration is trying to do to this country. They have pulled out all the Marxist and Socialist tools to take control of this FREE country. When they were calling the Tea Party participants "Teabaggers" I was appalled then and I am now really angry at what they are doing to the citizens that are trying to get their voices heard in these town hall meetings. These are people of all walks of Most of them have simple questions, "Are you going to read this 1,000+ page piece of legislation before you vote on it?", "What will happen to my 80 year old mother/grandmother under this health care plan?", "What will happen to my health care plan I have at my place of employment?", "What will happen to my beloved handicapped child?", "Will ALL government employees be under this plan?". Every one of these questions are valid and they can't answer them, or more accurately won't. All they can do is accuse the Republicans of organizing these protests. First and foremost they are not, and these childish playground tactics are asinine. I personally hope they continue this grade school behavior because it makes them look silly and I truly believe creates more "MOBSTERS".

This leads to the decision of this administration to create a "Misinformation Czar" to police the Internet and e-mail. Now, if you are not familiar with this, the Obama administration will create, if they haven't already, a team to police what dissenters are putting out on the Internet and in e-mails in opposition to the far left agenda. I am not completely sure of the consequences of this alleged dissent, but the last time I checked the 1st amendment gives anyone the right to dissent.

I believe our health care system is in dire need of reforming, but the "One Payer" plan is not the solution. People from those countries that have the "One Payer" plan (socialized medicine) can't get to the US fast enough for our health care system. Obama's plan will destroy it. And if you think that your current health care plan will still exist under this plan you are truly deluded. We will be taxed so far above anything we have ever seen. Do you not like the money you're making to provide for yourself and your family?

Baby Boomers you better wake up (I am one)...your life is literally on the line.


Bring on the Misinformation Czar!!!


Unknown said...

go girl

barbara head said...

You truly have voiced my very objections. Tell it like it is, sister.